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Words & Music by Inoke Baravilala

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Cegu Vua ©

Theme: Come enter into His rest


Vei tamata kecega
Meda vei lomani ka ravi Vua
Meda muri ira na gone lalai
Ni ‘ra na curu dina I loma ni bai
     Meda nanuma tikoga
     Nona vale levu e waraki keda
     Meda sa vakabauti Koya nona na dra
     Na loloma dina e kune Vua

VS 1
Curu mai ki na vale ni wai
Wai dina ni bula e dai
Solia Nona dra me sava na ca
Mai curu ka cegu Vua

VS 2
Dina ga ni dredre na bula
Vuravura sa druka Vua
Sa noda na qaqa sa soli meda
Mai curu ka cegu Vua (chorus)

VS 3
Ramase mai na cina I wai
Rogo sara noda kacivi mai
"Dina ni draki ca ni yalo dei ga
Mai curu ka cegu Vua" (chorus)



People of all races
Let us love one another in Him
Let us be like the little children
For they will most assuredly enter into the kingdom
     Let us always remember
     His great mansion awaits us
     Let us believe in Him whose blood was shed
     True love is found in Him

VS 1
Come into the house of the living water
Water of truth for daily living
Gave His blood for sin to be cleansed
Come enter into His rest

VS 2
Even though life is full of hardship
He has conquered the world
And we have been given the victory
So we can come and enter into His rest (chorus)

VS 3
A bright light shines from the sea
We hear Him calling to us
"Even in the midst of this storm, be at peace
Come and enter into His rest" (chorus)

Vocals: Inoke

Backup Vocals: George "Fiji" Veikoso, Inoke

Sequencing & Arrangement: Inoke,
BackUp vocal arrangement - George "Fiji" Veikoso

Keyboards, Electric Piano, Marimba: Gene Skinner

Keyboards: Michael C. McDonald

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